I partner with people to gain more freedom and choice in their career

I partner with people to gain more freedom and choice in their career

6 Steps to Finding More Meaningful Work

We spend so much of our lives at work, it’s important to our well-being that we feel engaged and
connected to the impact we are making in the world. I will partner with you to design a coaching plan to help you find the work you are meant to do.

1.       Discover your strengths. We will start with self-awareness. Together, we will discover your strengths, interests, goals, vision, and unique personality traits as the starting place of our work. I don’t believe we spend enough getting to know who we are before we are expected to know what we want to do for a living. We can find work and even be successful in the eyes of society and still not experience deep meaning and fulfillment. We must recognize what is important to us and leave cultural expectations behind. 

2.       Define your ideal job. We can’t have what we can’t see. We will get clear on every aspect of our version of meaningful work, whether it involves creating our own business or working for
an organization. By starting with the end in mind, we give ourselves direction and the start of our unique road map.

3.       Brand yourself. While working your current job, we will take steps to create your
new brand based on your new self-awareness and ideal job. This is where you being to share your strengths and skills with the world, so it can see you and bring new opportunities to your doorstep.  

4.       Written communication. Whether writing copy for your social media or applying for new jobs, you will want to perfect your written communication. Your words matter. We will work together to find the words that best represent you and your new brand and create a new resume and cover letter for your ideal job during this step.

5.       Articulate your value. You could be the most qualified applicant or have the best product, but if you cannot communicate your value to others, they will not see you. Regardless of where you are starting from, we will work together to identify your unique value and practice sharing it with others while networking or interviewing.

6.       Make the transition. Even when we know what we want and what we have to offer, it can
be hard to step out into our new idea. I will work with you every step of the way to make the
transition from where you are now to your ideal work scenario.

where your strengths and interests align you can succeed with fulfillment and meaning


If you are ready to begin this work together, please fill out the form below to set up a free 60-minute discovery call.

Learn Your Unique Value

We all have unique set of strengths, skills, values and experiences all of which inform our life path. Nothing is trivial when we look at our lives. The pieces fit together and tell us where our fulfillment lies, where we need to lean in and where we may need to shift our perspective. It’s time we listen inward to what our inner voice is saying and flow with our natural gifts. Therein lies our purpose and the keys to our own unique version of a meaningful life.

You may be ready to explore this work if you feel a lack of motivation to move forward in you life, a void of meaning, clarity or purpose. Through our sessions we will learn more about your core values and how they can inform your life path. As we explore your strengths, skills and passions, we will use them to inform our strategies. There is a way to love the journey of becoming more and more yourself every day, to make decisions with ease and learn to trust your intuition. Through our work together, I will partner with you to find your next best steps to living a more healthy, joyful, purpose-driven life.

What People Are Saying

“Katie is intuitive, an excellent listener, pragmatic, and has found her calling as a coach. She has been an invaluable source of motivation and guidance to me. What I found most helpful about Katie’s coaching is her ability to understand and assess my situation and offer a wider perspective. She has a way of clarifying confusing thoughts and adding meaningful feedback and a clarity of purpose that is often hard to pinpoint on your own. If you are looking for someone to confide in and learn about yourself and your potential, look no further than Katie.”


“Coach Katie has been a fundamental part of my personal and professional growth. For years, I believed my situation was a reflection of me. I couldn’t see beyond the struggle, the heartbreaks, and what I thought I lacked. Her ability to shine on my strengths, surface my integrity, and bring out the potential that hid below these false pretenses, has allowed me to feel the amazing version of who I have always been. Thank you Katie for allowing me to believe in me!”


“I’ve had the privilege to work with Katie recently and it’s been amazing. She’s helped me revitalize my skill set. She brings professionalism and knowledge to help others reach their true potential. If you’re looking for someone that is passionate, patient and committed to the mission, then Katie is that person.  ”

